Two Lonely Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Lonely Hearts

May 27, 2016
By MarisaK6 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
MarisaK6 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who break me. I am the only one who can feel it. Two lonely hearts with distance and no hope. Two who refuse to stop beating. Two excuses to keep going. From heartache, we can feel it, but you can’t see these things.

Their strength is becoming less and less. They can’t makes sense of it. They part ways and they suffer as the world collapses around them, crumbling to the ground. This is how they break.

Let one forget their reason for being, they’d break like glass. Break, break, break they say as they part. They shatter.

When they’re too sad and too hurt to keep breaking, when they are the only things to keep going, then i’ll know when there is nothing left to love. Two who grew apart. Two who break and always break. Two whose only purpose is to keep me going.

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