Threefold | Teen Ink


May 9, 2017
By blowyourtrumpets SILVER, San Jose , California
blowyourtrumpets SILVER, San Jose , California
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lost between the hollow bends.
For such a life cannot be saved.
Life will never love again.


Break the skin, my message sent.
I recall that is what I gave.
Lost between the hollow bends.


I killed, severed, twisted, and bent.
Sunk twixt a solemn cave,
As life will never love again.


Amongst the midst of nostalgic vows,
I watched as you lathe my own heart.
Lost between the hollow bends.


Chilled about my bitter end.
I saw I could not behave,
For life will never love again.


Hung so bravely simply to mend,
Or maybe just have a shave.
Because love will never live again,
Lost beneath my hollow grave.

The author's comments:

This is a villanelle I wrote for my English teacher because she reccomended the format. 

I think the poem speaks for itself and it though it has a specific meaning for me, I hope each reader finds something different whilst analyzing it.

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