The Mess Inside of Me | Teen Ink

The Mess Inside of Me

March 27, 2009
By ToriA. PLATINUM, Columbus, Indiana
ToriA. PLATINUM, Columbus, Indiana
22 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Nobody know the real me.
And if they did,
I would be surrounded by pity,
’Cause no one has seen
The mess inside of me.
I can’t keep it in much longer,
But it hurts so much to remember.
If I don’t get it out soon,
I will surely break.
The mess inside of me
Wants to be cleaned up.
But the only way to do that
Is to get my story out in the open.
But to do that,
Would drag out painful memories
Which I am not yet ready to face.
So won’t you look into my eyes
And see the mess inside of me?
I need your help
Because the mess inside of me
Is to much for me
To bear alone and in silence.

The author's comments:
from the time i was born until i was ten, i was either neglected, abused, or a combination of them both. i have had many step-mothers, none of whom really cared about me. i've never really liked to talk about it and this is the first time i've ever told anyone who wasn't a close friend.


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