A Summer Night | Teen Ink

A Summer Night

May 23, 2018
By LHAHS GOLD, Pewaukee , Wisconsin
LHAHS GOLD, Pewaukee , Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A hint of sunshine
2 intertwined hands
A mile of paved street
6 heaping cups of good conversation
Eons of silence
A wink of wind
A pair of walking shoes
A whole lot of love
½ cup of kisses

1. Pre-heat the air to 75° Fahrenheit.
2. Grab a bowl and prepare a pair of walking shoes, add a mile of paved street.
3. Sift with with a hint of sunshine and set eons of silence out to soften.
4. When done sifting, pour a wink of wind into the bowl and mix.
5. Incorporate 6 heaping cups of good conversation. Elevate the outcome with 2 intertwined hands.
5. Frost with a whole lot of love and set out to serve (best served with a ½ cup of kisses spread throughout).

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