Untitled | Teen Ink


May 23, 2018
By 20ecu22 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20ecu22 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Monday Night:

After a long day of school and work, my bed is calling my name.
I arrive home, only to find a list of things to complete.
Will I ever get to bed?
I am exhausted.
Finally, I find myself in a heap of blankets as my eyes drift off to sleep.


My eyes crusted shut, struggling to carry myself out of bed.
Something doesn't feel right, why does it feel like a different year?
I slowly scurrie my feet over to my nightstand to check the date on my phone.
  How is this possible?
     Is this real life?
How can my phone display June 12, 1964?
When I went to bed last night, it was June 11, 2018.

Am I dreaming?
  Am I going insane?
     Something must be wrong.
I walk to my front porch, where the daily newspaper lays.
Surely enough it is June 12, 1964.

Maybe if I sleep the day off, tomorrow I will wake up and the year will be 2018 again.
I need this sleep…

Wednesday Morning:

I wake up to the sound of my neighbors rooster.
I check the date on my phone, surely enough the year is back to 2018.

I finally feel like myself again.
I knew I wasn’t going insane.
   Maybe that was the one day of the year where time travels back to the past.

Until next year, maybe we will go into the future next time.

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