The Girl Who Wears Signoria | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Wears Signoria

December 17, 2021
By Yuting_Z SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Yuting_Z SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The girl who wears Signoria

Has crimson on her lips.

Her hair scents with December rain,

Tenderly, brushing your cheek.


The girl who wears Signoria

Has cuts on her wrist.

Under her white, creased dress hem,

hides scarlet scars to her ankles.


The girl who wears Signoria

Has a knot on her throat.

It was by the name Victor,

That she used to be called.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a trans woman on the Internet. Her parents are bullying her because of her sexual identity.

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