Kings of the domain of monsters. | Teen Ink

Kings of the domain of monsters.

May 18, 2024
By RobbysWritings BRONZE, Churachandpur, Other
RobbysWritings BRONZE, Churachandpur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the golden dawn the Fishermen sail, 

Seeking for treasures and spreading tales. 

Kings of the vast domain of Satan's offspring, 

Pushing and sailing even while suffering. 


They brave the wind, storm and sea, 

Their existence could be their testimonies.

They are never alone, 

For their ancestors follow their path, 

Singing ancient songs of the past. 

The author's comments:

I am a 14 year old boy, I am currently studying in the 9th grade. The poem “Kings of the Domain Of monsters” is actually a class assignment given to me by my english teacher. It is inspired from the poem, “Coromandel Fishers” by Sarojini Naidu. My poem is an original poem about Fishermen, it is to praise them for their works. They are hard working and resilient. So, I wrote a poem as sort of a thankful to them. 

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