My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

December 8, 2010
By LeleP BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
LeleP BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
it is wat it is!

My love, My love you bring so much joy to my life, No fights..
I express myself to you, you take it as a joyful compliment..
you laugh at the jokes i say
You love everything about me, you let me have my way..
you help me walk my path to success
you know what to say, and how to make me do my best..
when i need you, you right there with a helping hand...
there's nothing i will replace because you are the true meaning of a good man..
i hope you feel the same way i feel, maybe standing in a beautiful church saying our vows and wills..
the first day i met you, you werent my type..
but you never stop giving up you put up a fight...
i loved it!
how you express your self to me and how you wanna make a Family
and I am what all you need...
you brought joy to me..
how can i ever complain my love
you like a peacefully, beautiful dove..

3 years has passed
when i was in pain
you held my hand all the way through
you asked if i was ok, would i like some Food"
you thank me for bringing a most precious gift in the world to you
you are the best father of my child i could ever wish for..
you give me love, even if i dnt ask for more..
Thank you for being there
Thank you for believing me
Thank you for giving me what i need
Thank you for times
Thank you for not saying good-bye
Thank you for being my friend
my love, my love
and as i say, I truley mean it
i can say it 100 more times again

The author's comments:
by reading this poem, i hope that you hold on to that person you really love and makes you happy

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