A Hard Life | Teen Ink

A Hard Life

January 10, 2014
By Danielle Quarles BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Danielle Quarles BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Make sure you watch your step ‘cause life is a trip
Watch it fly by kind of like a movie clip
Stare at the poverty look at the dirt
Homeless kids crying, starving, and hurt
Childhood isn’t the same,
Kids caught up selling dope, joining gangs
Running around playing with guns in the streets
Someone needs to tell them education is the key
Killing over money ‘cause money rules the world
Looking at the grief makes me want to hurl
Stop all the hate
We’re all the same in a way we can relate
Why rob and shoot? ya’ll killing each other
Value your life ‘cause you’ll never get another

The author's comments:
You only live once , so take advantage of it all.

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