Halo of Divinity | Teen Ink

Halo of Divinity

October 6, 2014
By Bengali_Artemis BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
Bengali_Artemis BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s a fallen angel; fallen in love, guilty of treachery,
By charges of which she’d been condemned to mortality.
Now stripped from the alluring glory of an angel boasting of regality,
Brought down to the shame of indignity~ she’s but just a lowly fairy.
She felt her wings wither away, and her subtle aura wane,
Her implausible strength ebbing away and her regality fade.
Countless nights she cried tears of blood,
Such a fate she would encounter, she’d never envisaged.
She sauntered and wandered, through forests and through mountains.
She endeavored to seek a purpose to her unkempt existence.
She was a damsel at heart, after all; women fall prey to Love.
When she danced with astounding grace back in the clouds of Ecstasy,
She’d fallen prey to Love, the halo of divinity.

And the halo it was, cursed as she were,
She waited and waned, but all in futility,
Till one fine day, a lad came to be,
A knight in armor as it were,
They met, became one from two, loved each other, oh they did,
But alas, for the cursed maiden had it written in her fate,
By the heavens whence she came to be,
That no man could love her, and live to bear the fruit,
And so, forgotten, the prophecy lay, till again,
One fateful day, fate played a nasty deck,
Nature took its toll, took the knight away,
He escaped into the afterlife
Never to return, nor to be seen again!

Afterwards she encountered gentlemen myriad,
But none seemed to love her as much, she despaired.
She’s a beauty beyond words, as the men envisioned,
A fair elf lady perhaps from a far off illusory realm;
Her perforating gaze armed with kohl-lined eyes
Skin as fair and lissome as can be,
Such lustrous coiffed hair and shiny tresses~
Behold her, the goddess every man yearns to possess.
All she pines for is a man who would bequest her with true Love;
Love as can surmount the strongest fortress and
The ever expanding azure vault of heaven!
But there was none who could love her, rising above her inherent beauty
Oh, how she despaired, to her knight in shining armor compared.

She gazed at the Heavens and swished her mane
She asked for clemency, but alas in vain.
How much more thou shall make me suffer?
She asked with terror choking on her voice that reverberated pain.
Canst I be free from thy curse? Hast thou not punished me amply?
The skies shook, thunder rumbled, and appeared the Almighty.
With his robust frame and rippling muscles and eyes that glowed luminosity,
He spoke down upon his fallen angel:
The Dancers of Heaven are not to Love, and thou breached that peace.
Hence thou must suffer until the Fates seek from thy angst to release.
Thou shall be tormented by this insatiable curse forever more and for eternity,
And that blight can be undone, alas, only magically.

My Lord, thou art the cruelest of all! Who curses the guiltless?
Thou who condemn Love, for Him there await sorrows endless!
Love is that which gives us strength, which propels us on forward,
Love is that which turns a vicious creature gentle, which gives us hope rekindled.
Love is that which gives a meaning to life, which brings an end to bloodshed and wars.
Love is that which everyone craves, which everyone deserves.
Love is the purest, the chastest, the most wonderful possession of humanity,
If thou would endeavor to suppress Love,
Know that I shall always be there to stand up for it, to guard against it compliantly.
My angst shall only end once I find Love, and if I shall acquire so only magically,
My word against it, Lord Almighty, I shall resort to such means defiantly.

Then flee ungrateful pawn of Love! Bellowed the Lord in fury,
Flee with all your might, and seek the vial of Dark Magic.
It resides at the cave where the seven rivers of crystal originate,
If thou canst journey thither and consume the liquor,
Thou shall be freed of all thy angst, all thy suffering, and find your one true Love.
This is my oath to keep with a final breath.
Yet, if thou fail, thou shall be sent to the depths of Hell,
And Love shall lose its voice evermore.
Venture out, now, my Gallant Angel.
Venture out in this quest to avenge Love.
Perils and adversities shall come thy way,
Besmirches and torments too,
But thou must fight every hindrance and follow the Light of Hope always.

So she set out, on this quest she was entrusted.
Twelve fortnights she traveled, through darkness and in rains.
The Forest of Gloom she crossed first; where resided creatures of Doom.
She fought them all, armed with nothing but Hope, and quiver full arrows of fume.
The Valley of Kismet she encountered next.
Where, the hermit told her that she must consume the fruits of Fate.
It was unlike any other fruit she’d ever savored,
It was sweet as kindness, yet bitter as lies.
The hermit foretold: Thou art close to thy end.
If thou don’t falter and keep faith, thou shall thrive.
So she set off again, armed with faith this time.
Come what may, she chided to the skies.
I shall counter thee with my strong will only.

But what she encountered, she had not imagined in her wildest dreams.
It was a lagoon, as breathtaking and petite as can be.
She felt her heart sway and her mind flutter,
Oh, how breathtakingly beautiful was the man in front of her.
She succumbed to the enchantment of the mystic lagoon,
She found there solace, oh she was doomed!
She was happy and contented, her quest forgotten,
Alas, what had she herself begotten?
When one fine day,
She stumbled upon the Lake of Truth,
The waters of which washes away anything uncouth;
Washing herself in the waters blessed,
The veil of enchantment was lifted, the memories resurfaced!

She ran back to the lagoon, hoping to escape.
But there stood the man, blocking her way.
She gasped as she saw; he wasn’t human at all,
He was gruesome; he was a demon who’d been veiled by powers magical.
He lunged upon her, with severe intent to kill.
She thrashed him aside, with strength astounding.
She picked up his crystal sword,
Which before the Divine Waters cleansed her eyes had been a walking stick,
With it she struck his heart, piercing through his devilish skin.
He crumpled to the floor, and lay motionless,
And her throat was sore, for the demon had been feeding poison all these days.
She cannot lose hope, she cannot wither,
She has come this far, her faith must not waver.

She carried on with her journey, the end was near.
She could feel herself go weaker, doubting how much longer she could endure.
Her throat was parched, the poison seething her veins,
She staggered forward, through darkness and through rains.
At long, long, last, she came upon the fateful cave,
There, upon the mouth of rivers seven, lay the liquor she craved.
She clasped her hand, around the tiny vial,
And drank to the brim, to the very last drop,
It tasted pure, uncontaminated and entirely blessed,
Why, the drink of Love tasted like Love itself.
Her heart swelled in Joy, she lay sprawled on the ground,
Her quest was finally over; oh her happiness knew no bounds!
She led the voice of Love with triumph, it was a feeling profound!

There appeared the Lord Almighty, meek, gentle eyes looking down at her.
Thou have done well, my child, and thou shall never have to suffer hereafter.
Thou tale is one of bravery, and thou shall be always remembered.
But sleep now, dear Angel, close thy weary eyes.
Happiness and reward awaits thou when again thou untie.
She closed her eyes, and sweet, transcending slumber came upon her.
She succumbed to that alluring slumber, never to awake again.
She escaped into the afterlife, never to return again,
Neither to be seen again!
The Lord God Almighty built a shrine over where she slept,
And engraved upon it with golden ink that shines bright to this day~
Here lies the Angel, who fell,
Who, for Love had risked her all!

Opening her eyes, she found herself in Heaven, in the vaults of Ecstasy.
There she found her Knight in shining armor, waiting for her fervently.
She ran into his arms and found her heart’s content lastly,
It was all she’d ever hoped for, and she was as happy as can be.
Her story got passed on, millennia after millennia,
And till today, eons later, when people think of Love,
They think of the fallen Angel, who had risked her all.
She lives on, she still survives,
In those hearts that possess Love.
She may still be looking down upon humanity,
With docile eyes and a meek smile, arm in arm with her beloved knight;
And she is happy and peaceful everlastingly.

For it is one thing to love and let go,
Entirely another to seek,
Love lost in the dreary desert, of loneliness which reeks.
Be strong, says the epitaph, and I shall guide thee,
But be a traitor, she warns, and destruction thy fate will be.
A thousand suns passed, a thousand moons shone, but the tale told of the angel never grew old.
One thing more we must say, before we go,
If ever you feel your heart flutter, when you see a maiden fair,
If its not lust you feel, but love, pure love, then you are surely one,
Blessed by the angel of love who dwells in the heavens above!
Know however, there hard times may be, engulfing thou from all around,
Never lose hope; if need arise shift the earth itself,
But by no means ever let go.

The author's comments:

Reading Dan Brown's Inferno somehow inspired me to pen this down! 

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