strokes of magic | Teen Ink

strokes of magic

January 5, 2016
By Chuckie.Johnson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Chuckie.Johnson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all are cut from the same cloth. River, with strokes of a wizard streams characters onto paper, as if to be magic. Mine, relaxed and animated. Always screaming for help . Bryce’s art always proving us all up. He doesn't have to try. Kaity's art is barking and running fast as a wolf.
       But the cloth, the cloth we are a part of, is like a wonderful coat that protects us, as if to be a mother cradling their child, as if to give them warmth, holding you and you feel safe, the cloth that binds us, is the cloth that makes us different, and we accept that, our styles are different and our ability alike. The ability, the style, and the cloth like friendship holding tight.

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