January 27, | Teen Ink

January 27,

January 27, 2016
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

The song you sang on January 27,

Took my brain to hevan,

I slithered up my noodle soup,

The song you sang on January 27,
Took my brain to heaven,
I slithered up my noodle soup,
Dreamed and imagined of you,
How you pulled my hair,
That evil death stare,
If only I were to care,
Do you dare?
The moon O' moon in the sky,
Only asking because you are so bright,
 Intelligence has your coming,
You know what to do.
I bet you do.
And as the mountin top shouted with glee,
Over the nation to another state and country,
I pledge my allegiance to you,
Never come back,
My soul is having a deep attack,
You stabbed my back and hear I am,
Sitting alone with the scam,
I feel as if my tears will never stop running,
Blood stop dripping from my scrape O' knee,
That one oll tree I never could clime,
Look me by the hasten when it tossed me a lime,

Lemons were taken and so my heart rests as it achens. and imagined of you,

How you pulled my hair,

That evil death stare,

If only I were to care,

Do you dare?

The moon O' moon in the sky,

Only asking because you are so bright,

 Intelligence has your coming,

You know what to do.

I bet you do.

And as the mountin top shouted with glee,

Over the nation to another state and country,

I pledge my alligence to you,

Never come back,

My soul is having a deep attack,

You stabbed my back and hear I am,

Sitting alone with the scam,

I feel as if my tears will never stop running,

Blood stop dripping from my scrape O' knee,

That one oll tree I never could clime,

Look me by the hastle when it tossed me a lime,

Lemons were taken and so my heart rests as it achens.

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