Failure isn't an option | Teen Ink

Failure isn't an option

June 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Failure isn’t an option at this point. I need to keep trying. But how is that possible when my mind is turning and my hands are shaking. Come on focus. Failure isn’t an option. I know, I know. But how can I win when all my memories flush back. When everything is falling. How can I win when my worst fear is slowly coming back? I remember that time when they were once happy. When they enjoyed being together. When we were happy. They lose it all but they win something else, but maybe this time they don’t win. Maybe it’s just my mind. Maybe it’s just me. I need to succeed, I am not blinded by your love but I see your hate. It all adds up now. Everything that I have lived. It is all because of this one problem in my life. My head hurts and my hands are shaking.

Failure isn’t an option at this point.

I am trying, so shut up.



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