birdie love song | Teen Ink

birdie love song

June 25, 2018
By zenzensmith BRONZE, Mandeville, Other
zenzensmith BRONZE, Mandeville, Other
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am the gathering tempest—I am the howling wind, the roar of the rain, the voice of THUNDER!"

I can distinctively place in my maze of 
a mind the soft tune of a little bird chirping out its delicate heart.

Its melodies were unlike any other and 
its simple soft soulful sound was as a 
love song played in disguise.

This time the song was disguised into the voice of my lover.

It was a reminder of what we shared. 
We shared our deepest and darkest
desires together and my little bird's love song, that song was ours.

And it was ours alone.

The author's comments:

i came up with this randomly

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