Golden Dreamcatcher | Teen Ink

Golden Dreamcatcher

July 13, 2018
By Saige_Cooke BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Saige_Cooke BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
some women fear the fire. some women simply become it. <br /> sometimes you have to a beauty and a beast

My dreams are stained with

The worst nightmares and my mind

Can’t filter them out

No matter how hard I try they keep

Coming back for more of my dead soul

Which has been ripped apart from head

to toe. The gold dreamcatcher

Around my neck is too heavy for

my heart and my dreams to handle

It sips every dream likes its

The last one like the next dream

Won’t taste as good as the next one

Every dream has its poison

And every sip is danger

Fueling the darkness in every person

The golden dreamcatcher

Stands at the end of the cliff falling

Down into the sea when the sharks are

Slowly ripping every limb off the human

And the golden dreamcatcher

Was supposed to stop the dream from

Entering my brain but as usual

It never does it job correctly the first time

The author's comments:

Dreamcatchers are very imporatant to be. I have a necklace wiht a dreamcatcher and the symbol of a dreamcatcher represents just more than filtering bad dreams forrm the good but catching the good even when there is bad all around it

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