Labels | Teen Ink


August 12, 2018
By krissy8545 SILVER, Lakeland, Florida
krissy8545 SILVER, Lakeland, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pretty, skinny, fat, ugly. All these labels you put on people for nothing. You don't have to be the size of that model in the magazine to be beautiful. You don't have to starve yourself to make you feel pretty. Labels aren't just words you put on people they are words of discouragement words of hate. Kim doesn't like her hair because you said its "too short", becky doesn't look at herself in the mirror because you said she was " too big". But what is your definition of "too big" or "too short"? over a size 0? Shorter than yours? What gives you the right to tell me what I need to be. We are all beautiful no matter size, shape or color. Embrace your short hair or bigger body. No matter what you are the only person that should matter.

The author's comments:

Love yourself no matter what

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