Perfect mold | Teen Ink

Perfect mold

August 12, 2018
By krissy8545 SILVER, Lakeland, Florida
krissy8545 SILVER, Lakeland, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Tuck in your shirt.” “Fix that hair.” “Iron those clothes.” This perfect mold of a human you have to squeeze yourself into. It doesn’t matter if you can’t breath as long as your presentable. Don’t walk a certain way, don’t take a certain way just fit in that mold. It’s suffocating you, you can’t breath, you need a break. You try to move but the perfect mold won’t let you. You try the best you can but it doesn’t work. You can’t be that perfect mold, and because of that you’re labeled as “weird”, “disrespectful” but you can finally breath so you don’t care. You take a breath and realize you’re better without that mold. You are perfect exactly how you are.

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