Untitled Part 2 | Teen Ink

Untitled Part 2

August 28, 2018
By lahebenstreit SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
lahebenstreit SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I go to seek a great perhaps.

I want you to go

Turn your back and leave

I cannot see why you are so hateful

Why do your eyes pierce me with such anger

when once they lit fires in my soul

But you leave me now to choke on the ashes

And if I should hear your cursed tongue spit poison once more

I’ll bleed

I will bleed tears onto newlywed pillowcases

And maybe the sobs will stop your words

And I cannot bear the smell of booze

The smell of Jack,Rum, and Everclear

They all leak from your breath

Ooze from each poor

All three like a demon fighting for control

God damnit I can’t

I cannot handle the feel of your hands around my throat

The feel of bruises

Of welts

And all the makeup that covers it up

And should I taste tart iron

from blood dripping off my broken lips

I will surrender not to your violent call

But to the beckon of the noose calling me home.

The author's comments:

After writing the first part to this poem Untitled Part 1, I felt the need to write another piece to go with it that shows the potential of what happens after you fall so hard for someone. While Untitled Part 1 shows the tenderness of love, Untitled Part 2 displays the ugly and rotten characteristics of tender love turned sour.

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