Yellow Dashed Lines | Teen Ink

Yellow Dashed Lines

September 19, 2018
By sunnyclouds BRONZE, Westerville, Ohio
sunnyclouds BRONZE, Westerville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

a car rie on

a hot September day

with the sun shining bright

casting a godlen light

It provides heat to my arms 

and makes my face glow

while we go



Through the yellow dashed lines

marked on the 

ark gravel roads

and breathe inthe wind

on this hot,


Septemeber day

and the sky's 

so blue

and everything ffeels refreshed, so new 

and I smiles as

I remember 

all the bricks that have

been thrown my way

but yet I've 



to rebuild. 

The author's comments:

Wrote this today while I was in the car, it looked so beautiful outside and I felt so inspired to write this poem!

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