I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

September 20, 2018
By tallguy BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
tallguy BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from trips with my family

where the world was ours to explore.

I am from a home...

that has become Alive.

I am from 12 years of dreading school.

Books, movies, and music...

I am from art.

Bass pumping, shaking the bones in my chest art.

I am from concrete courts

with hoops at either end and trash talk with my boys.

I am from the burbs

but can hang with prince or pauper.

I am from a place of giving

of my word and my time to those without.

I am from creating

with my hands works of wood, exotic and rare.

I am From

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