Traces of Blue | Teen Ink

Traces of Blue

September 21, 2018
By OliRose SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
OliRose SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue filled up my heart
with a grieving sea,
waves crashing
and flooding my body
with salt and sand.

Blue dragged me down
and brought me to an underwater paradise.
leaving me submerged
in the clear depths
of an imaginary Atlantis.

Blue sent my soul tumbling
into a deep abyss,
only to be brought back
by the force of those crashing waves
unceasing and unrelenting.
But Blue keeps me under,
unable to resist the frigid tug
of a dizzying torrent.

Blue left my heart
into millions of shards of glass
and scattered them
into the ocean
floating on waves of relief.

Blue left behind
a cold emptiness,
dulled by the flames of its absence.
But Blue can never be replaced,
nor can it be undone.

The author's comments:

This poem is loosely based off of the feelings one experiences after losing a loved one. 

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