Where the Wind Takes Us | Teen Ink

Where the Wind Takes Us

October 10, 2018
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I heard a voice across the room singing a song I knew.

I sang back.

Where will the Wind take us?

We went out hoping this was where the Wind would take us.

We agreed on almost everything.

We felt the wind taking us.

We were the same.

And we were different.

And we were happy with where the Wind had begun taking us.

One day the Wind blew in a different direction,

And we both became lost.

Is this really where the Wind is supposed to take us?

I fought the Wind and he let it drag and push him far away from me.

Now we no longer talk.

We no longer laugh.

We no longer agree.

We are still the same,

But different.

I don’t like the Wind.

It blinds him from where he should be.

But I know that I do not know everything.

The Wind is all knowing,

And fighting the Wind is pointless.

I let the Wind blow us around,

Thinking that this is what is meant to happen.

And I know that I must surrender

To where the Wind takes us.

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