The Lies You Tell | Teen Ink

The Lies You Tell

October 24, 2018
By rachaelbell BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
rachaelbell BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Your words.

You look at me so innocently

and you speak without effort,

your words flowing like honey from your lips

but cutting me to the core, because I know.

I know how you are, the way

that the left side of your mouth curves up when you lie.

I know that what you are telling me is nothing

but fantasy and make believe.

So thank you.

Thank you for showing me now how much you truly value me.

To you, I am not even worth the truth.

So even though I know you’re not being honest,

tell me your lies again.

Maybe if it becomes instilled in me

that I am absolutely nothing to you,

you will become absolutely nothing to me.

So tell me again.

Tell me you love me

when everyone knows who you were with last night

and how it wasn’t me.

Tell me that you miss me

even though you are the one

who is always leaving.

Tell me that you care about me

when all you do is ignore me,

only talking to me

when it’s convenient for you.

Tell me that you’ll be there for me

even though I have always been the one

to pick up my broken pieces.


Thank you so much

for lying to me.

Because now I get to find someone who will love me,

someone who will always care for me,

someone who will always be there for me.

I get to find someone who will never have to miss me,

because she’ll be right there when I look into the mirror.

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