Perspectives | Teen Ink


November 7, 2018
By jaidynwallace BRONZE, Peabody, Massachusetts
jaidynwallace BRONZE, Peabody, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.¨

I know there's more to life than this

More than rape, killing, and violence

Why do we choose silence?


We let people destroy our world, ourselves, our skin,

and we let prejudices keep us apart,

instead of looking within.

Their words tear others apart,

force them to put a blade to there skin, and rip through until you’ve reached their heart.

While others force people to be evil…

Pretend to be something they're not

They act… deceitful

Then there's those who judge people on the colors of skins,

Think that because they're different there put on earth as sins.

Call them the devil's child.

Making sure they’re not around for a while.

Categorizing them before knowing them, putting them off…

When will it end?

But then there’s me…

Not caring about the color god wanted you to be,

Or digging away at my flesh, which you intended for me

I know there’s a reason for us being here…

I know there is more to life than this,

more than rape


and violence.

The author's comments:

This is an original poem about the world. 

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