calming | Teen Ink


November 14, 2018
By Anonymous

  My calmness is like the flowing water My hair Puffy like the clouds My poem is like the waves crashing on the shore My poem are the birds chirping I am the waves I flow like the water You are the sun That makes me feel warm Music: Soothing, chill Singing soft like velvet Layback Forget about all the stress Sitting outside on the porch Smell of coffee in the air My body matches the music Free flowing transparent Object: The old basketball From the closet With all the old equipment It’s the size of a bowling ball Light like a soccer ball Rigid with black lines It looks versatile To be manipulated in many ways From a distance it looks like a pumpkin We are both well rounded Spend lots of time on the court Move quickly The basketball is worn down Like I am after school I like its interesting look It brings me joy A basketball Favorite Activity: Playing basketball  Its  like a symphony Hands curve over the ball Wrist flicks during a shot Head up Back straight Always thinking about the next move I love to play The game is so fluid Like water The buzzer sounds Its over I drink like I was stranded on the desert I stretch until I am numb

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