Start of Depression | Teen Ink

Start of Depression

December 5, 2018
By Jennahopwood BRONZE, Zachary, Louisiana
Jennahopwood BRONZE, Zachary, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this life, not a soul can be trusted

Even your parents trust is a little rusted

Everyone has at least one little secret

That they tell one person and trust they keep it

It's now spread around town causing  aggression

Thus being the start  of depression


Depression isn't something to joke about

It leads to a stream of tears till your eyes become a drought

You cry so much your eyes start to burn

The thought of eating makes your stomach turn

You start finding ways to take away the pain

You just cause yourself more pain till your mind starts to drain


In this life I have found it to be true

The only person you can truly trust is you

Don't let one person be the reason

Some people are just here for a short season

You can conquor anything I have faith in you

I did which means you can too


Battle scars are proof of what you overcame

You now leaned not to get caught up in someones sick little game

Happy now you are at last

Putting all of this into the past

Every strom runs out of rain

You can't get stronger without a little pain

The author's comments:

I went through a rough time, as many people do, but I made it out alive and so can you.

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