When I Look Into Your Eyes | Teen Ink

When I Look Into Your Eyes

January 17, 2019
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I look into Your eyes,

I see the pain You endure.

The hatred You suffer from.


From the spit on Your skin,

and when sins plaster themselves over

as Band-Aids of beauty and selfishness.


When Your hands reach up and offer us air,

we destroy it with out words and our sins. 


Forgive us when we look into your eyes 

and ignore the death we cause.


For when we decide Your face and future,

You do not blink.


You never remove Your sorowful gaze off us.


Forgive us when we ignore.

And when we look into Your eyes. 

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