Day and Night | Teen Ink

Day and Night

January 22, 2019
By tmariem BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
tmariem BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day and Night,

Yin and Yang I presume,

The keen, sharp, sun glaring into our windows whilst birds are humming the melody of a choir, an ensemble of singers,

The trudged walk into the kitchen, tiresome, yet awake when the scent of the awakening coffee aroma hits you,

Readying yourself for this day to transpire,


Calm, relaxing, windows no longer emitting the brightness as it once did,

Sweet sounds of monotonous, yet rhythmic tune utter its way through the headphones just as the birds in the day had formerly performed,

Atmosphere feeling as if all has gone quiet,

Sleeping, time to settle down whilst preparing for dawn.

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