Ink | Teen Ink


January 30, 2019
By elisajee BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
elisajee BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You must be disappointed,

you must not know how to react.

But that’s okay,

I understand.

I did it again

and I’m sorry.

I can’t help myself,

but to draw

to trace

from left to right-

it’s the only thing

that brings me peace,


It satisfies me,

the intricate details

that I create.

The way it stains,

the way the ink bleeds,

sinking, drowning,

permanently marking

the thin floral fabric underneath.

The tip of the pen dances

like ballerinas on their toes,

relieving the tension,

rattled up inside of me.

It’s a show

that I’m directing.

It has a story,

it has a meaning.

You may not see it,

you may not understand it,

but to me,

it’s an immature, childish


The author's comments:

Though intended to be about a habit I picked up as a child, drawing on my mother's bed sheets with permanent ink, this poem does have a deeper meaning. In fact, it is an extended metaphor of an unhealthy coping method I once used to abuse during a difficult time of my life. Despite hardhips, I hope this piece reminds people that some of the most sensitive, unbothered topics can be talked about or written in a beautiful way.

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