Where I Began | Teen Ink

Where I Began

February 13, 2019
By Sway SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sway SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am from the uneven field at Doctors park. I am from the dripping sweat and blood that breathes determination.

I am from a devoted family. I am from a place of performing what is right as opposed to easy. I am from a lacrosse team that doesn't lose. I am from dogs making noise in the night.

I am from a loving mom who finds the will to care even when she is unwell. I am from a social group that shapes memories. I am from a family of five. I am from a house of three brothers. I am from a place standing green and exhibiting life.

I’m still from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I’m still from the uneven field at Doctors park. I’m still from the dripping sweat and blood that breath determination and represent hard work in lacrosse.

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