Leaving and Arriving, Change and Constancy | Teen Ink

Leaving and Arriving, Change and Constancy

February 13, 2019
By dachshund19 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
dachshund19 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from watching doggie wallpaper stripped from the walls of my childhood bedroom,

from the back window of the Honda as our ranch faded

while sifting through paint booklets, choosing lime green for my next four walls.

I am from empty prairie fields dug up by excavators

from houses climbing, rising, growing up

while quietly introducing myself to children who would, with time, become friends.

I am from sprinting through uncut grass

from basketballs bouncing out of hoops and baseballs missing my bat  

while arriving home, sun melting into the sky, with green and brown toes.

I am from sharp whistles ringing throughout a humid tiled pool

from peeking through fogged goggles at a screaming coach on lap 19

while slamming a hand to the wall.

I am from voices competing for dominance with volume climbing

from sitting on a thick carpet with heaping plates of food

while observing differences and similarities in personality.

I’m still from the doggie wallpaper tucked away in a room with green walls

still from baseballs missing bats and watching a home change with setting suns

while still pursuing passions and building relationships with people I trust.

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