The Spectrum of Life | Teen Ink

The Spectrum of Life

February 14, 2019
By 9lee BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
9lee BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a life with a palette of contrasting emotions

from a life, an array of moments.

I’m from the white from my mom’s smile—

with a sapphire grin—

I’m from the baby blue skies glimmering over the pristine water of Pine Lake

swimming, snorkeling, tubing.

I’m from the chocolate-créme of my scraggly dog

always by my side, bringing a smile to my face.

I’m from the bright white light

from pulling all nighters, studying in my room.

I’m from the neon lights enjoying the city life

strolling through rich culture of Koreatown with my grandparents.

I’m from the dark-cracked concrete of the streets

west side of Chicago where gunshots are prominent.

I’m from the gloomy grey clouds

where the days feel endless.

I’m from the dark-black, endless nightmares

feeling I can’t wake up from.

I’m from the drab oak of my grandmother’s coffin

her emotionless face, ingrained in my mind.

I’m from the blue tears of sadness

drowning in a sea of grief.

I’m from a past with a brew of colors

with a future to behold, and ceaseless ways to paint.

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