Where Im From | Teen Ink

Where Im From

February 14, 2019
By LBurt16 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
LBurt16 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from a rough, restricted area,

allowed “to walk to” the corner and back.

Liquor stores, taverns and chaotic disorganized nightlife…

I’m from a street of unsafe beginnings,

drinkers scattering the streets like zombies.

Darkness, despair and depression…

I'm from athletic activities,

riding to parks where I face friends with football

Tired and determined to win…

I'm from a three bedroom home,

Mom, sister, and me in our own world, while Dad’s alone down the street.

Family but apart…

I'm from the humble beginnings, entering into unknown territory.

Not knowing how my future will turn out

Confused and scared…

I from a time of hard work, determination, and dedication.

Emotions run like a raging river throughout my high school years.

Success and motivated…

I'm a student who will be from a world of

success and inspiration, challenged to fail.


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