I was Born | Teen Ink

I was Born

February 14, 2019
By TPM03 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
TPM03 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was born where winter changes.

A Community where people are playing outside,

a place where there’s no “too cold.”

I’m from a place where we cherished seasons.

I was born where spring shepards spectacular color back to life,

a community where spring’s a feeling of being reborn .

A place where temperatures goes up, snow melts and the birds sing like humans.

I’m from a town where we cherished seasons.

I was born where summer energy fills the air.

A community where your friends stay out late,

a place where bonfires a tradition.

I’m from a town where we cherished seasons.

I was born where fall reminds us of family traditions.

A community where fall fest, oktoberfest and halloween fest  take place,

a place where the colors takeaway breaths.

I’m from a town where we cherished seasons.

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