Years on the Lake | Teen Ink

Years on the Lake

February 14, 2019
By ajmusbach BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ajmusbach BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from days catching frogs and turtles in the mucky weedy waters,

swimming with the family in the clear cool water...

ten years ago on the lake.

I am from knee boarding on my mother’s beat up retro kneeboard,

snorkeling on the shallow sea shell covered sand bar...

eight years ago on the lake.

I am from learning how to slalom on the same ski as my siblings,

scuffed knees while tubing with childhood friends...

six years ago on the lake.

I am from the weeks spent fishing in my grey metal boat,

playing capture the flag in the silent still nights with friends...

four years ago on the lake.

I am from finding a way to wake surf behind our blue and white ski boat,

laying in high lofted hammocks beside my brothers...

two years ago on the lake.

I am from learning and practicing flips on my wakeboard,

days spent making memories with friends...

Forever on the lake.

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