A House with a Life | Teen Ink

A House with a Life

February 14, 2019
By alyssaf75 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
alyssaf75 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I came from a cloudy, grey two story house,

with rooms filled with memories of 17 years, and

with staircases that helped me begin my journey.

I came from a chaotic, shared bedroom with my sister,

with smiles and laughter flooding the star-lit room, and

with singing and dancing staying with us till nights.

I came from a living room,

with a couch that fit eight tired people, and

with a fireplace that listened to the music my dad wrote himself.

I came from a sun-infested kitchen,

with a table plastered in food, and

with a mom that begins her work day and ends her work day in it.

I came from a modest house,

with kind hearted people who will continue to love and care each day, and

with one original story that will continue on throughout its years.

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