I'm From Hartland | Teen Ink

I'm From Hartland

February 14, 2019
By Tman BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Tman BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from ice and the frozen pond and

The 20 year old skates.

I’m from extra gloves,

and four hour games on ponds

I am from crystal clear ice.

I’m from the blistering heat of Florida

from the cradle in Tallahassee,

to the first house I remember in petite Hartland.

From green pastures to little-waved lakes,

As Kodak Black says “I’m a suburban dude.”

I’m from a wonderful family

from a energetic speedy dog,

to a 9-5, hygienist mother.

From a house where I can

flourish and succeed.

From these I am me.

From my childhood city

I was made.

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