The secrets of the frail white house | Teen Ink

The secrets of the frail white house

February 14, 2019
By cheer2001 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
cheer2001 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a frail white house,

secrets are locked away…

unlocking them, could destroy my family...

this is where I am from.

Watching the glowing sunset through the trees,

trying to escape the anger inside.

That frail white house,

this is where I am from.

Playing barbies with a friend,

Hearing intimidating insults full of hate and rage.

That frail white house,

this is where I am from.

Fleeing at night,

forgetting the fear put in me through threats.

That frail white house,

this is where I am from.

Wondering will the anger end?

Will our secrets reach the surface, like a lifeless fish.

That frail white house,

this is where I am from.

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