Where I Am From | Teen Ink

Where I Am From

February 14, 2019
By paddycakes1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
paddycakes1 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the middle,

with two brothers,

I had a role model to look up to, and someone to mentor,

the past 18 years.

I am from the “Ping!” of a metal baseball bat,

to the rusty monkey bars,

the staticky green slide,

and the humid bug line.

I am from the crisp breeze

in the October of Wisconsin falls.

From playing under the lights

Of the iconic “Pffiefer Memorial Stadium.”

I am from the faded bricks

of Merton Primary School.

From the anthem:

“Merton is the best, yes!”

I am from the fresh cut grass

of a Wisconsin summer.

Where neighbors got together

And celebrated at the pool.

I am from coaches yelling at me,

where “Paddock!” would echo for distances.

I am from “Brendan” or “Brendon”

where my name is all E’s.

I still am from the middle

of two brothers.

One is my role model.

The other I guide.

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