More Than Brothers | Teen Ink

More Than Brothers

February 14, 2019
By TacoBell1223 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TacoBell1223 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from Hartland and a 5,000 square foot house.

I am 5’7” with 10-foot dreams.

A sizeable family that seemed to shrink.

Yet, as the parents split up, the brothers did everything except.

A new bond formed between the brothers,

a new connection formed.


The brothers have always had.

For sports, for friends, for video games, so much Love.

Not always for each other,

but it would get there… as they got older.

As they grew older, their love did grow stronger,

The name brother appreciated.


someone who helped me through broken legs,

someone who helped me deal with our broken family.

Someone who enjoyed beating me in everything we did,

someone who gave the honest truth.

Someone who shaped me into the best 5’7” I could be,

someone who made me look at the world in an intelligent way.


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