Gravel Roads | Teen Ink

Gravel Roads

February 14, 2019
By pmorgan13 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
pmorgan13 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from grilling burgers on a summer night,

watching the fireworks pop above our heads.

I am from going to pewaukee lake,

tubing and waterskiing in the wakes,

watching as the sun sets.

I am from my family,

constructing chili on an autumn Sunday,

watching the Hawkeye football game.

I am from playing outside, with my brother,

waiting until mom calls us in for dinner.

I am from cornfields in my backyard,

watching the trembling tractors,

as they pick the crops till the fields are bald.

I am from snowmobiling in empty fields,

racing my brother as the snow forms like clouds behind us.


I am from driving down dirt roads,

dust flying like a tornado behind us,

With the windows down, going as fast as a racecar.

I am from seeing the farm animals,

we smell the fresh farm air.

I am from skiing down steep slopes of snow

watching as people tumbling,

loosing their skis.

I am from going into the lodge for hot chocolate,

smelling the sweet scent from the slopes.

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