Five Divergent Years, Five Different Stories | Teen Ink

Five Divergent Years, Five Different Stories

February 14, 2019
By 9wesolowski GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9wesolowski GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from changing schools for the first time,

“Hi, I’m Brooke” flows out of my mouth like word vomit.

While wandering through the winding halls, I walk in circles as a lost freshman.

I am from cross country and track,

practices of dripping sweat and turning left.

Hundreds of miles, I break personal records as a running sophomore.

I am from eyelids as heavy as an elephant each morning,

stress-stricken breakdowns and years of schoolwork in one night.

Waiting for the AP tests, I study for 25 hours a day as an overwhelmed junior.

I am from hanging with friends and relaxing,

shouting our favorite pop songs and passing cars.

Having no worries, I enjoy my last year as a carefree senior.

I am from dreaming of attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison,

praying each night and constantly working on my application.

Jumping around at football games, I will thrive as a spirit-filled Badger.

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