Ode to Water | Teen Ink

Ode to Water

February 25, 2019
By Emanisteezery SILVER, Sacramento, California
Emanisteezery SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love recognizes no barriers" -Maya Angelo

You cure me everyday

Your the reason I live

Without you I just might die

In the morning you watch me as I walk past you

Waiting for me to approach you

You’ve been with me my whole life

You watched me grow

You are as clear as glass

It isn’t hard to spot you

You enrich my taste buds with your taste

You are as cold as Antarctica

You’ve traveled many places

You’ve seen places, things I haven’t yet explored

I feel as if your following me

Lurking in the shadows

Without you I would be lost

Lost as if i’ve lost my mind

You’ve inspired me in so many ways

You’ve got me to play sports

Travel to exotic places

I’ve explored the word sense we met

You come in so many shapes, sizes, and forms

First your stretched across the land

Next minute im swimming and splashing in the waves of your body

Then boom your an crunched up ice cube

The way you feel is different

The touch of you is like touching a big raindrop

You’ve helped the environment

Without you the world would die

Without you the world would be dry

The world would be like eating a biscuit without water

You have so many type of tastes

Sometimes you taste salty as if you took a shower in sweat

Sometimes you taste like a dog who rolled in mud

Sometimes you even taste like a dry grass on a summer day

Water is like oxygen you need it

Your my biggest hero

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