I Wish it Would Stop Raining | Teen Ink

I Wish it Would Stop Raining

March 3, 2019
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i had to get away.

you were destroying me.

you were never happy. 

never satisfied.

i was never enough.

i soon realized i would never be enough.

i couldn't be enough.

so i left.

I'm not sorry.




Sometimes when it Rains,

I can hear your voice.

Your cry in the thunder.

And the overbearing Rain pounds

Vigorously against my back.

Your tears are the Rain that beats me to the ground.

I am immobile 

When you pound me with complaints.

With insecurities.

With anger and sadness.

i had to make the Rain stop.

it became my mission.

but i could never do it.

because your tears were the Rain.

and i knew that Hapiness was a choice. 

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