Bated Breath | Teen Ink

Bated Breath MAG

April 29, 2009
By Kathryn Amato BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Kathryn Amato BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gently falling October rain
Slowly darkening sky
the world is silent, waiting
bated breath
I should have put on more deodorant.
My sweater is slightly damp,
and my hands are shaking like leaves in a windblown tree,
Is he here yet?
No, it's only six-fifty.
Then the doorbell chimes
and there you are
wearing the same anxiousness on your face
you say something
(I don't know what)
but the words nuzzle my ears and I
breathe out.
the car door behind me
the conversation is easy,
comfortable, like a T-shirt
soft from so many washings.
The flickering of streetlights
shimmering on wet pavement
other cars, other lives, passing by.
The heavy, yellow scent of popcorn hangs in the air
Shrieks and laughter swirl together
Two students, please
Oh, here I can pay for mine …
No, I'll get it
Hummingbird heartbeat
Walking into the shifting darkness
Stained carpet hushing our footfalls
Um, where do you want to sit?
I don't care
Slide into two seats
Nervous tension lingers in the air now
Movie trivia flashes upon the screen
The giggles and whispers stop
Shaky breath in
the movie is a blur
Moving pictures
Snatches of music and dialogue tune in and out
Like they're on an old radio
Watch you out of the corner of my eye
Did his hand just move?
A shock of heat and anxiety
Fingers intertwine
Breathe out.

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This article has 1 comment.

svanb BRONZE said...
on Sep. 1 2011 at 2:28 am
svanb BRONZE, Muscat, Other
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments
Beautiful. You potray your emotions with great clarity and I love it.