This is Maddie | Teen Ink

This is Maddie

April 4, 2019
By Mikelt22 BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
Mikelt22 BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is Maddie

She stands there, smiling her biggest smile.

It’s rare to see her in a photo, let alone smiling.

Wearing her new favorite outfit--the one I picked it out for her:

navy blue shirt that says, “Live Life in Full Bloom,”

her white shorts and, of course, her crocs --

an outfit is never complete unless

Maddie has her crocs on.

The day after my senior pictures,

My aunt sent me this picture and it said,

“Mom take my picture, like mikey!”

I was filled with joy after that.

They have struggled to take pictures of Maddie.

This is Maddie

She looks just like me, though not related.

We love her as though she is; no one knows unless we tell them.

Maddie is very special to our family.

She looks like us, acts like us…

and has the famous Twichel gap between her front teeth.

But, she has had a rough couple years with kids in school,

learning to read and write.

She is not on the same pace as them.

Maddie has a disability,

but you would never know.

Maddie is blind and has epilepsy.

When she was born, the doctors said

she would never be able to walk, talk, do everyday things.

she would need help for the rest of her life.

She’d most likely have an episode that would make her immobile.


She has done everything, from laundry

to running in the special olympics . . . and winning.

She will do everything you tell her she can’t do, and excel at it.

This is Maddie

The author's comments:

This is about my amazing cousin who is an inspiration to all

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