Ransom | Teen Ink


April 4, 2019
By Anonymous

I know what I did and I won’t forget

Neither will I have any regrets

I picked the magazine up at a corner store

They were a cheap price especially for the catastrophic damage they did

The scissors which I used to cut with were stolen from the clerk’s desk

Piece by piece, letter by letter, I destroyed someone’s life as I made mine better

My eyes filled with joy but the people’s eyes who received this ransom did not

The expression of shock and confusion in one face were a beautiful sight to see

If only I gotta stay a little longer to watch their life crumble than I wouldn’t be so upset

But, they called the cops on me for causing them such agony

I write this poem on the prison wall,

Hoping time will go faster so I can do it again for one more moment of bliss

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