Synesthesia | Teen Ink


April 10, 2019
By arrowhead2019 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
arrowhead2019 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A star sounds like a glistening white on the brink of sunrise.

The texture of turquoise feels like a smooth shell of a turtle’s back.

A new idea feels like sunlight hitting your skin after a rainstorm.

The swirl of loneliness sounds like the creak of the wooden floor of the basement of an abandoned house.

The shape of the past fits inside a coat closet that turns into a wardrobe.

When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find marshmallow skies, graham cracker crust floors, and cotton candy clouds.

If you look underneath peace, you might hear the roars, screams, and barks of the underworld.

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