Corvus corax | Teen Ink

Corvus corax MAG

May 14, 2019
By arelijosephine BRONZE, Bedford, Michigan
arelijosephine BRONZE, Bedford, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bitterness is the thing with feathers; with a pointed beak that curves toward cruelty; with claws that grasp witless mice unwitting from the ground.


It is a hungry raven, using his beak to peck at his fellows, desperate for anything that will drown out the hunger pangs in his chest;


It alights on the rotting bones of prey long picked of anything sapid, and screeches his starvation to an apathetic desert,


Bitterness is leather-skin clinging too tight to bone, resentment making the brittle feathers gleam, ire in every squawk.

The author's comments:

This poem was written based on a randomly selected metaphor- bitterness is a hungry raven.

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