Avoiding Honest War | Teen Ink

Avoiding Honest War

May 17, 2019
By WhoSawMe BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
WhoSawMe BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Winnin' is problematic
People like you more when you workin' towards somethin'
Not when you have it"

I am just a boy

Living in a non-Muslim world

If you ask me, I’ll say that’s the Muslim curse

Not because cultures are intertwined

But because when I explain it, you never seem to understand mine


I am for you to exploit

But it’s not me you should ask, it’s the girls

Stuck in the whirlwind of emotions, that’s the female curse

Living the days displaying a false reality, like that’s fine

But it’s how the other side was raised; I only speak for mine


I do not employ

I work for myself and seek no pearl

No pot to piss in, that’s the homeless curse

In the city, from afar, I stare at the skyline

Only to dream about a wish, a wish that is mine


I am known to deploy

I live my life wondering do I fight for my world

Did I ever deserve to serve, that’s the veteran curse

Were there innocents killed on the other side during my time

Or am I free to rest knowing the innocence is mine


I am one to annoy

My life is a story, like my hair, with too many curls

If I get hit, I deserve it, that’s the children’s curse

I might think they’re bad people, but that’s not for me to decide

I’ll love them till I can no longer, at least that decision is mine


Some say I destroy

My absence in conflict is seen as abnormal

I am labeled as the murders’ murder, that’s the Jewish curse

I see the other side as the side of crime

I simply want to protect my world and what I see as mine


We strive for joy

But we applaud sadness like we have the scope on our morals

We speak of peace and laugh at freedom, that’s the human curse

Agreement on Disagreement is key, that’s God’s design

Afraid to say ‘I love you’ to the other side, but the obligation is mine

The author's comments:

Propaganda has an agenda, hope you remember!

We have so many differences. This can come from the fact that we have different identities, cultures, and experiences. But, we cannot let those difference become the fuel for conflict. We use these differences to avoid conflict and for the propulsion towards greatness. 

We all live and die together... Let the deaths be moral and for a reason: PEACE!

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